Flic Taylor

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A Conversation with Steph Douglas

In this episode, I share an everyday burnout conversation with Steph Douglas. 

Steph is a mum of three and a business owner. She launched her company, Don't Buy Her Flowers, in 2014, after having her first baby and being inundated with floral bouquets. Steph appreciated that traditional gifts for new mums weren't always what they truly needed at a vulnerable and overwhelming time. So rather than give her friends something that requires looking after, Steph opted to give new mums something that would encourage them to embrace a little TLC instead.

This got Steph thinking…

Don't Buy Her Flowers prepares and delivers care packages as a thoughtful alternative to flowers offering both bespoke and curated packages covering a range of occasions. A strong focus on encouraging the recipient to take a bit of time for themselves remains at the core of Steph's empathic brand and vision.

You may know Steph from her honest and down-to-earth Instagram feed where she shares what life looks like behind the scenes of growing a successful business alongside the reality of family life and motherhood. 

In this episode, Steph talks about: 

  • How she manages her brushes with overwhelm

  • The signs of exhaustion she keeps watch for

  • The pandemic pressures that so many mums have been handling

  • What the mental load looks like when you are nurturing a family alongside growing a business 

  • The things in life Steph that found herself having to give up worrying about 

Listen to the podcast episode here or wherever you tune into your fave podcasts. 

I adore the beautiful Christmas packages at DBHF that are a far cry from the whisper of "I don't know what the heck to bloody buy you?" I believe shopping their service is a win-win as you save yourself hassle in trawling the websites and streets struggling to find a gift with the beautiful bonus of sending someone something that will prompt them to take care of themselves and practice self-care. 

And let's face it, I think we all need a little space and peace as we end 2021 - another challenging and transformative year. 

Find out more about  Don't Buy Her Flowers here

Follow @dontbuyherflowers

Follow Steph @steph_dontbuyherflowers

Fancy a little more burnout chat? 

Find me on Instagram and Facebook  @flictaylorwrites

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Check out my blog at www.flictaylor.com

Please note, this podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you're having a tough time or concerned that you're experiencing burnout, please reach out to your doctor or mental health professional for support and guidance. 

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